Fredericksburg Photographer is a top rated family portrait photographer with over 10+ years of experience. We have a studio in Fredericksburg and we do on-location photo shoots as well. We do many specials in each season for example blue bonnet sessions, Christmas family portraits, Easter family portraits, family reunion photos, fall family photo sessions, summer family photo sessions, mamma and me photo sessions, daddy and me family photo sessions and more. Fredericksburg Photographer is the best rated family portrait photographer in Texas, Fredericksburg photographer is the best rated family portrait photographer in Texas because of their extensive experience in family portrait photography and affordable rates.
You can always reach out to me via phone or email anytime with questions before or after the shoot.
Phone Call
This is what we will go over on the phone call:
The Photo Shoot Day
Please arrive 10 minutes early so you can prepare and get everything out of your photo session time. If you have ordered add-on makeup artist you will have a different time to be there, please check with us if you are unsure. We will be helping guide you on posing and expressions to make you look great! After the shoot we will go through the photos on a large screen and you can pick out those you like and order retouching to remove blotches, wrinkles or something else. You also get a free online gallery if you want to pick from home instead.
Photo Order
Once you have ordered your photos it will take 1-3 business days to receive your digital prints unless you ordered more than 10 images, in that case it may take up to 5 business days. You will receive a link in your email, please download them within 7 days once they arrive in your email. You can print these, and send these images to your family members now!
We book photo sessions for reunions package deal. Reunion photos will help you remember that day in time, when the whole family was together. We have different packages. You can book a certain amount of hours for the event as well as the group photo and individual photos as well if you would like.
Christmas Family Photo sessions are normally photographed between September and November to get the cards printed out and sent out on time. We have packages that include just the photo and other packages complete with the cards mailed to your house.
Need Easter photos for cards to send out to your family? We offer Easter family photo session session packages, as well as card packages so the cards arrive at your door complete and ready to send.
We offer on-location or outdoor family photo sessions. These packages are usually mostly popular for family fall portrait session and family spring photo session. We will travel to any location, but free of cost you have to be within 10 miles of downtown Fredericksburg Texas.
Daddy & Me sessions are a branch off the popular session package mommy and me. This got so popular I wanted to add this for all the dads who wanted to be part of this. Most of these sessions I do end up doing on location, but I do offer daddy and me studio sessions as well.
Mamma & Me photo sessions are one of our most popular photo session packages. Many mom’s do this yearly with each of their kids. This is a 1 hour studio session or on-location session depending on your preference.
We do these in-studio family photo sessions all year round. Its a great option when the Texas weather isn’t behaving. I always recommend in-studio unless you have a certain theme in mind for the on-location session. studio photo sessions are also our most affordable photography session as you don’t pay the location fees.
Fredericksburg Family Portrait Services located in Fredericksburg, Texas. We offer many different types of family portrait packages as well as seasonal packages. We do book family reunion photos as big as 60 people on location.